Actors’ Headshot Perth – Jack

About to finish his third year of study at the Western Australian Academy of Performing Arts (WAAPA), Jack will hopefully soon be spending a lot of time in front of Casting Directors around the country. To assist in making a lasting impression he decided it was time to add a high quality actors’ headshot (or two) to his portfolio. Originally from Geelong, Jack was initially planning to study physiotherapy, but his life-long love of singing and dancing prompted him to audition for WAAPA after graduating High School. His successful audition saw him packing his bags and leaving family and friends to take up his studies here in Perth.

Jack has generally preferred more traditional musical theatre roles focused on singing and dancing, but has just finished playing a more serious role in Stephen Sondheim’s Assassins. The part included two ten minute long monologues which allowed Jack to develop his dramatic skill-set significantly, a process that he greatly enjoyed.

Soon to be on his way back to the east coast, Jack lined up a time for a headshot session with us on location in East Perth. Having decided that an outdoor session with natural light would be his preferred look, we were fortunately blessed with some lovely weather coming into Spring. While we did occasionally have to pause for dark clouds to pass, it was well worth the wait to get the results you see below.

Since completing his course at WAAPA, Jack has been signed by an agent in Melbourne. So we look forward to seeing him tread the boards in many professional shows over the coming years.

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An actors’ headshot can make or break their chances of getting a role or being remembered by a Casting Director or Agent. Wouldn’t you want to do everything possible to make a positive, lasting impression with your headshot when you audition or attend a casting? What does your headshot say about you? Does it make people interested in you? Does it communicate emotion? Mystery? Interest? Determination? During our headshot sessions we greatly enjoy coaching and directing our clients to figure out which angles best suit their face, and how to make the most of their natural assets. Learning how to control your face to convey different emotions and expressions is a key part of getting a good headshot, and an exercise that we often employ during a session to get a variety and versatility of results.

Check out this “before & after” from Jack’s session. The “before” isn’t a bad photo. It’s a picture of Jack’s face/head, but it doesn’t say a lot. Many people might pass that as an acceptable headshot, or think that’s all they are capable of getting. With just a little bit of coaching and direction, (and a slightly better use of the light available to us at the location), Jack was able to give us the “after” shot on the right. Same person, less than an hour apart. Based on the photos, who would you be more likely to call in for an audition?

Actors Headshot Perth - Jack - 001 [Deprimo Photography]

Actors’ Headshot Perth | East Perth | Deprimo Photography