You want to know more about us? Deprimo Photography is based in Perth, Western Australia, and is owned and run by Chris Ingram. So technically that tells you the key facts, but not a lot more. Who is Deprimo Photography? Where does the name Deprimo come from? What is Deprimo Photography all about? Why do we take photos? What does this all mean to me? Now those are some questions worth answering!
First the easy question, where does the name Deprimo come from? The term is Latin, and means “to press down”, which is a rather relevant term in photography (with regard to pressing the shutter release button). Truth be told, I’m also a bit of a Harry Potter fan, and some of you may recognise the term as a spell that Hermione casts when our fearless trio are visiting the Lovegood residence on their quest to discover the origins and meaning of the Deathly Hallows. The spell causes the ceiling to collapse, distracting the Death-Eaters and allowing the heroes to escape.
Aside from being a bit of a Harry Potter fan, which (combined with working in the IT industry for more than two decades) probably makes me somewhat of a nerd at heart, I’m a devoted husband to my wonderfully supportive wife, and father of two (usually) gorgeous children. I consider myself to be a practicing and dedicated Christian and feel that this inspires me to show love to others and find genuine beauty in everyone I meet. All my life I’ve been a musician and have played many instruments over the years, but seem to have settled on Bass for the time being. I frequently play at church and in theatre productions around Perth, and love the creative challenges that this brings. If you take a look at our Things We Like page, you’ll see many cooking/kitchen related items on there, which hopefully tells you that I love to spend time in the kitchen. Whether it’s cooking dinner for the family, or preparing something special for guests to our home, creating tasty meals and culinary delights has been a joy for many years.
I guess that brings us to the reason why you’re on this site… What is it that draws me to photography?
In essence, I think it’s the ability to document split second moments in time, that can never be recreated. Capturing a moment, or an event, that may never be seen again. Preserving memories of loved ones at all stages of life with details that the mind may not recall in years to come. Displaying so much more than just the physical attributes that we see in the mirror every day.
My aim is to produce images that not only capture special memories, those special expressions, those funny little gestures, those poignant moments, the true beauty of my subjects, but also to see those images on display on peoples walls and in coffee-table albums. Whether as an artistic work, or as a regular photographic print, images should be displayed, and not boxed up where they age and become damaged, or left sitting in folders on a hard-drive (in this digital age).
Even at my age, I’m already seeing first hand the effects of life on those around me and feel like every day is another opportunity to document the lives of those I come into contact with, before it’s too late. Sadly, the future is too unpredictable to leave things to chance and think “there’ll be time later“. Celebrate your life TODAY. Don’t leave it because you think “I need to lose a few more kilos“, or “We’ll do something special for Christmas” …you know all those excuses! Instead of looking for excuses to avoid having your photo taken, treasure your life right now, as it is. Find a reason to take some photos. Heck, you don’t even need a reason. Whether it’s through us, or with your own camera, get out there today and document what’s going on in your life right now!
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